Well, ladies and gentlemen, I didn't anticipate this. With Jon out of the way (good job ODB Army), I figured it would be smooth sailing and clear skies from here on out. I was so confident that Operation: Double Brothers would be a success that I started designing all the memorabilia that we are going to sell (t-shirt, lunchboxes, condoms) with the ODB logo on it. Unfortunately, I didn't anticipate a new PENO would present himself so soon. I assumed it would take Chris a little while to get over Jon and that we wouldn't have major competition for awhile. I was deadly wrong. A new PENO has reared its ugly head and this one is even more intimidating than I could have ever imagined. This PENO is so terrifying because he is so powerful. He has already thwarted several attempts at securing this union between Daniel and Chris. First, he ruined our best and most clear cut shot at success when Chris gave Daniel a window of time to come down to Kentucky and marry her. Now, PENO is threatening to ruin the romantic weekend getaway to Chicago that I talked about in my last post. How is the new PENO so powerful you ask? He is so powerful because he knows all of our plans. He knows what we are going to do and when. He can anticipate everything and I fear he can not be stopped. He is two faced and he plays by his own set of rules. He is on the inside. He is the worst kind of vermin. He is a mole.
I present to you, PENO:
i would buy that lunchbox